Your imagination is the mirror of your soul,so therefore you have the perfect right to stand before that mirror and see yourself the way you want to be!
Thought is another name for fate so you choose your destiny and wait, because it is how you see yourself that determines what happens in your soul. You have to be in control of your imagination because you will never know what is your capacity of achievements until you learn how to mix your efforts with imagination.

The greatest and the most profitable thing you can do with your imagination is the act of rearranging old ideas in new combinations. You will never have a definite purpose in life, you will never have self confidence, you will never have initiative and leadership until you first create this qualities in your imagination and see yourself in position of them

Your imagination belongs to you, use it! the more you use it the more efficiently it will serve you.
The battles for the achievements of success is half won when one knows definitely what is wanted.

Great achievements is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness!!

The Don of Dons


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